Swinging bridge

News item on national television: “Opening of the 500m long suspension bridge in Switzerland.”This immediately made me search the WWW to look for some additional info. In a blink of an eye i knew, we have to do this! Checking my hiking boots i quickly realised i needed to do some shopping. Got some new Meindels, walking sticks & compass. During the hike those sticks proofed to be very handy. Booked dinner & 2 beds at Europa Hütte Randa because it will be a 2-day hike and we need a place to eat and get some sleep. All check boxes …


Do you like majestic & historic buildings? Well you won’t be disappointed when traveling to Italy. As a matter of fact when you are in one of the major cities those are the only type of buildings you wil see. Lift your head, look for the stars – no chance to see them because you’re inside a building – and you will be gifted with beautiful domes.

Italy la prima donna

Firenze You don’t need to explore the Uffizi museum to see art. If you pay attention it is also possible to spot some on the streets. Like art of the street artist Blub. He surprises you with small blue coloured paintings of faces equipped with swimming goggles. He aims to make art more accessible to everyone.You can see more on his instagram account.


Bologna was actually not listed on our travel plans.Due to the bad weather conditions down south we decided to start hunting for some sun rays. As a result we ended up in a surprisingly lovely city. Even with rainy weather Bologna is recommended. Thanks to the covered sidewalks. I didn’t count them but believe me they’re myriad.


On the main land you will see plenty of Vespa’s or scooters, here you take a water taxi or Vaporetto. A perfect moment to meditate before & after you find yourself surrounded by other travellers. It’s one of the advantages when you don’t sleep on the main island. When twilight sets in the light turns to a silky blanket that covers the bay area with a velvet atmosphere.

Mazzorbo & Burano

Both islands in the bay of Venice, so surrounded by lots of water but not flooted by thousands of tourists. An excellent place to stay a couple nights and visit Venice, Murano, … True, not so close to the main attractions, but in return you will benefit of the beautiful views when you take the vaporetto!Promise me, you keep it a secret too ;-)

Graffiti Roma

The moment you find yourself in the outskirts of Rome, that’s when you get a drizzle of the real Roman life. Tourist are a rare breed here, locals rule. Like in every major city this is an area with vivid murals. Cat lovers united will surely enjoy Romeow cat bistro.Build for the flurry, owned by the flurry. Or to say in their own words: “Questa è la nostra casa, noi viviamo qui progettando di conquistare il mondo.”

Fiat factory Torino

Once a large car factory, now a shopping mall, the rooftop keeps a secret. Fiat’s test track. Part of Lingotto’s industrial archaeology.The futuristic looking glass dome is a multifunctional meeting room, built by the Agnelli family. Next to a heliport. Curious how to get there?Head for the first floor, look for the book shop, take the elevator to 4th floor and enter the Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli museum. They actually have 2 interesting artist on display. Pablo Picasso & Matisse.


Looking for a place to set free your mind? Book yourself a ticket and fly to the moon. You won’t see earth from there but you will be spoiled by plenty of other stunning views.And that is thanks to César Manrique. He loved his island and fought to preserve it for the future.I’m glad he did. Although the island is not that big it presents you with endless views.Beaches, lava fields, hills and old volcanos… but stay away from Timanfaya park. It’s a tourist trap.For those who like to cycle, it’s a cycling paradise. Given the numerous cycling companies. We …

Eat drink love

Although not in Antwerp, Amsterdam or Paris food is not bad at all.Portions however, are not European but goliath. I mean huge portions!Lot’s of burgers, oversized pizza’s and buckets of pop drinks.Katz’s is one of those places you should visit for the atmosphere, they have a wall of fame and BIG sandwiches. Believe me, one is enough for 2 stomachs. Don’t forget to go to Sylvia’s as well. But no panic, you can find healthy food as well.Same for a good cup of coffee & biscuit.In central Park there’s even a ‘Pain Quotidien’ Yezzz, Belgian food.