Graffiti Roma

The moment you find yourself in the outskirts of Rome, that’s when you get a drizzle of the real Roman life. Tourist are a rare breed here, locals rule. Like in every major city this is an area with vivid murals. Cat lovers united will surely enjoy Romeow cat bistro.Build for the flurry, owned by the flurry. Or to say in their own words: “Questa è la nostra casa, noi viviamo qui progettando di conquistare il mondo.”

Fiat factory Torino

Once a large car factory, now a shopping mall, the rooftop keeps a secret. Fiat’s test track. Part of Lingotto’s industrial archaeology.The futuristic looking glass dome is a multifunctional meeting room, built by the Agnelli family. Next to a heliport. Curious how to get there?Head for the first floor, look for the book shop, take the elevator to 4th floor and enter the Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli museum. They actually have 2 interesting artist on display. Pablo Picasso & Matisse.